Amiens along the water

In Amiens, enjoy the diversity of intimate experiences offered along the water or on its shores … crossed from East to West by the Somme, this city has been carved out by the meanders of the river, earning it the nickname of the Little Venice of the North. 
Whether by boat, paddle board, kayak, bicycle or simply on foot, in Amiens, life is a long, quiet river. So, shall we set sail?

Hortillonnages AmiensHortillonnages Amiens - Alexis Poroszka


The Hortillonnages

Cultivated since the Middles Ages by the Hortillons, the Hortillonnages are a puzzle of 300 hectares of market and ornamental gardens in the heart of the city.
You're sure to be charmed by the calm waters of this place and the tranquillity that envelopes the vegetable gardens and flowered islets.
Now that we've set the scene and piqued your curiosity, here are a few suggestions to discover them at your own pace.

Boat tours with passionate and exciting guides

  • Take a seat in a traditional cornet boat from the Association for the Protection and Safeguarding of the Hortillonnages, admire this luscious corner of paradise and let yourself be guided by the comments of your boating guide (from 15 March to 13 October).
  • Rémi, from Les Hortillonnages et Vous, invites you to sail along the Hortillonnages like VIPs in his boat that can accommodate up to twelve people (from 6 April to 3 November).
  • Thanks to the Jardin des Vertueux, you can enjoy a peaceful ride in an electric boat through the marsh, savour a delicious tea made with mint freshly picked from the vegetable garden or have fun with Violet, the garden's donkey (all year round).
  • With Julien, discover the Secrets of the Marais and the many facets of the Hortillonnages on a guided tour in an electric boat (all year round).
  • Before or after a meal at the Ô Jardin restaurant, take advantage of your gourmet break to enjoy a boat aperitif or take a guided tour on the water... (from 15 March to 13 October)


For the one-day Robinsons...

  • The Amiens Hortillonnages International Garden Festival offers visitors a beautiful, poetic escape in the heart of this exceptional natural site. Landscape and artistic creations on the Clermont pond and the Île aux Fagots invite the public to enjoy a gentle programme on the theme of sustainable development and environmental preservation (from 24 May to 13 October).
  • The Hortillonnages Museum in Rivery showcases this protected natural area and the life of its market gardeners. It presents a rich collection of materials and equipment patiently gathered over the course of many years by a Hortillon couple. To complete your visit, enjoy an individual boat ride with electric motor to discover the Hortillonnages through the canals (from 1 April to 31 October).


An unusual way...

Otarie de CalifornieOtarie de Californie - Parc zoologique Amiens Métropole




And even more to get your mouth watering …


Amiens Zoo

This seven-hectare haven of greenery and waterways is home to around 700 animals from 120 of the most endangered species on the planet. Amid this lush setting close to the city centre, tigers, zebras, penguins, sea lions and many other animals live side by side … The perfect excuse for a refreshing walk in the heart of this island of biodiversity.

Bateau-Restaurant Le Picardie

Discover Amiens along the water on board the restaurant boat Le Picardie. Ideal for your group outings and original...

© Somme Tourisme - DM


Rent your bike in Amiens for a weekend, a week or all year long! Many models and accessories at your disposal.

D'une île à l'autre

© Au fil de l'eau

Au Fil de l'Eau

Discover a unique place in Amiens, French chic in the warmth of a Picardy cellar. You will...

Starting at 13,5
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Amiens Cable Park

Water-skiing, a new sensation! It is different, unique and sensational. The site also offers many other activities for...

Coup de coeur