IC.ON.IC, festival of visual arts

The IC.ON.IC festival's contemporary art route and video mapping may have disappeared until next autumn, but the urban art route will keep on giving you a feast for the eyes!

Dedicated to the plurality and diversity of visual arts within our territory, the IC.ON.IC festival brings together some thirty contemporary artists across three routes:

  • The urban art route in the Saint-Leu district will be unveiling new works in October and November, and will be on view throughout the year.
  • The contemporary-art route in partner cultural structures between October and November.
  • The projection-mapping route created by the association Les Rencontres Audiovisuelles in October.


Motifs émotifs de Tiboletuba - art urbain IC.ON.ICMotifs émotifs de Tiboletuba - art urbain IC.ON.IC - Laurent Rousselin - Amiens Métropole

Urban art route

Nestled in the Saint-Leu district, the route dedicated to urban art is enriched this year with 12 new works created by artists from a wide range of backgrounds, bearing witness to this movement's great wealth of techniques and aesthetics. These artists, each in their own style and with the street as their playground, surprise and amaze us as they offer up new ways of seeing the district and the city.

  • Visible throughout the year, focus in October/November.
  • Saint-Leu district

Set off on a colourful trip

Contemporary art route

In 2023, the contemporary art route took the form of a programme of artists' residencies, with the aim of welcoming and supporting projects at every stage, from research to creation. The results of these stages of work will be the subject of a major exhibition in October/November 2023.

Set off on the discovery of great talent

Parcours vidéo mapping festival IC.ON.ICParcours vidéo mapping festival IC.ON.IC - Laurent Rousselin - Amiens Métropole

Projection-mapping route

Discover the heart of Amiens in a new way, thanks to architectural projections on some incredible buildings! The projection-mapping route offers a stroll across seven points to discover a variety of worlds and techniques, presenting some radically different approaches to projection mapping!

  • In October
  • Amiens city centre

Set off on a visual and sound experience
