Immersion work is an integral part of Guillaume Lambert's creative process. After a recent immersion at the Basel Carnival, this autumn he will be heading off to the Baie de Somme to meet hunters. From October 28 to Saint-Hubert's Day, their patron saint, he will observe, document and learn about their gestures, rituals and practices, with the underlying aim of questioning the links between hunting and theater, and our relationship with the wild at a time of ecological upheaval. The residency will conclude with a time for readings and feedback, in dialogue with Léa Filiu, an anthropologist of traditional hunting, and Climène Perrin, a doctoral student working on her thesis on ecological theater.
Guillaume Lambert, associate artist
Compagnie L'Instant Dissonant
A destination for everyone
• La maison du Théâtre est labellisée pour le handicap auditif, mental et moteur.
• Aide au placement en salle.