A woman with a big face enters the stage, seemingly on a date, waiting, and the audience watches helplessly as she becomes embarrassed? Eventually, her alter ego arrives, but too late. As is often the case in Zerep shows, the black box is the place to make art. Here, the audience observes what an actor and actress are doing when they're not being watched? The set seems to overflow the stage, taking up all the space, puking into the room. Theater for no one" becomes raw, wild theater, insolent, ferocious, joyful and transgressive, a theater of tormented minds and absolute comedians. A delirious and terribly human theater.
Sophie Perez, Compagnie du Zerep
A destination for everyone
• La maison du Théâtre est labellisée pour le handicap auditif, mental et moteur.
• Aide au placement en salle.